Today I had my experience of doing a take-away from Pizza Hut after a long long time. The last
time I did my take away from Pizza Hut was back at my high school days. I still remember their famous “delivery songs” –7552525, which surprisingly is still stuck in my head. But after Dominoes and the rest of the Pizza parlor like 2 in 1 Canadian Pizza came into the picture, I sort of have other options of not eating Pizza Hut. I used to remember dialing their number and waiting for the delivery. At the sound of my doorbell, I would rush out like a sprinter to greet the delivery man. I couldn’t wait to pay him and bite into the hot delicious pizza. I also remember opening the brown pizza box and the aroma was so tantalizing and alluring. As if it was alive and could speak to me, “Eat me Eat me!”. Oh and how I remember me and my sis would gather around the table like small children waiting for their Christmas present to be opened. Hahaaha… it’s no joke cos that was truly how we felt about Pizza Hut back then.
However, one of the thing that made me stop calling for their delivery was their timing. They were always late and made you wait for an hour to get your pizza! By then you probably would have die of hunger. Before Dominoes took Malaysia by storm with their tagline of 30min delivery, Pizza hut used to take their own sweet time to get the pizzas to us. It was really a nuisance having to your stomach grumbling on this side and your pizza is still miles away from you! After awhile, you wouldn’t even think of calling them to deliver cos it’ll be faster for you to walk to the nearest outlet and get your pizza!
Anyway, today I had a chance to pay my visit to Pizza Hut again at Sri Petaling ( I was actually forced by my business partners cos they simply had a sudden cravings for pizza!.) And so I have no choice but to obliged to their demands and took a detoured. The moment I stepped into the outlet I was greeted by friendly staff at the takeaway counter. As I only had like RM25 in my wallet I can’t afford any pizza that cost more than that. As I was browsing through the menu and Eureka, I found a page that states RM17.50 for value meal. Unfortunately when the waiter told me that it was a promotion deal and only valid till 2.30pm, I was so disappointed. I then asked him whether he has any pizza that cost around RM20 and he flipped to the other page to me, pointing out the regular pan pizza priced at RM 24.00. It was obviously out of my budget so I asked again for any pizza that is less than RM 20.00( how very embarrassing…) I could have swear I caught a glimpse of him looking at me in a funny way…. He finally flipped to the other page and pointed out a value meal that cost only RM 21.40! “Comprende!” I would say…It comprise of 2 cokes, a basket of bread sticks, a salad and 1 regular pan pizza.

It puzzled me though as the value meal seems to be cheaper than just now what he pointed to me which cost RM24.00 for just one regular pizza. When I questioned him on this, he was stunned and didn’t know what to answer me. He took the easy way out and said he “don’t know” (our typical Malaysian answers) and said,” Whatever is printed there is there.” His answer blew me away. How can you not know what you are selling? Luckily his supervisor passed by and I asked him the same question. His supervisor was smart enough to answer me that the RM24.00 pizza is for 2 regular pizzas whereas the RM21.00 only has 1 regular pizza plus all the side orders. “Ohhh “ was my answer to him and I asked him why his staff couldn’t answer me this and he just shrugged and smile. Hmmm… and it makes you wonder how good of product training we give to our Malaysian’s workers. It is such a simple question about their products and they can’t even answer it.
I was then asked to wait for my pizza for 15 minutes (Please note, 15 MIN) and I ended up waiting for my pizza for 45 minutes! I was standing at the counter the whole 45 minutes observing what was going on in the kitchen with my pizza and others as well. First, there was confusion between the cook and the waiter in the order. They seem to mix up some delivery orders and apparently repeated a pizza that has already been delivered. Second, the pizza that came from the oven was bloated like a balloon. It looked really horrendous! The same guy who took my rejected it ordered him to make a new one. Imagine if he had not stopped the order, the cook was about to pack it in the box and deliver to the “unfortunate” ones.
However, one should not start opening a bottle of champagne and start celebrating his intelligence as the next pizza that came out from the oven was bloated too. To my surprise, he just packed it into the box and into the delivery bag! Hmmm…so guys and girls who is ordering Pizza Hut, you now know why your pizza looks horrible. Third scenario that I observed that got my pizza delayed was the movement of the kitchen staff was extremely slow. I felt as if I was trapped in one of the “John Woo’s” movies where the people are walking in slow-motion. The way they search for ingredients, the way they spread the ingredients on the dough and putting it in the oven was so slow that I swear I could do just strangle them upside down! The supervisor was no where to be seen.
Finally, when I got my pizza, this was how it looks like…. Comments anyone? D

1 comment:
Oh my god. What the f**k is wrong with that Pizza. Looks like a big-ass lorry went over it! I have also notice this many times, the current M'sia worker are so low and lame. They really dont know the meaning of service, I get so pissed when I see this at our local food outlets. Thats why some outlets end up employing Bangla's and Indon's. Less pay n better service. Wake up la Malaysian's! Nice writing la.
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