Nothing melts better than a rich, creamy and deliciously mouthwatering cheesecake, don’t you agree? Well, of course that is solely my own personal preference towards cheesecake. Of course there are people out there (I called em;’ “outcast”) who dislike anything with cheese. The thought of cheesecake just freaks them out! I have a friend who couldn’t care more for cheese/milk. The sight and smell or even the tiny thought of it made her puke! Yes it is that extreme…… Imagine, it took her years to finally bought her first yoghurt, and that my friend is not even the pure yoghurt. It’s more like a drink with thousand of other “mixes” that lessen the milky taste. No matter how I beg or tempt her to the ‘dark side’, she just wouldn’t budge!
To those Extreme Cheese-hater, I gave up trying to convince you. But, to those who are open, you have to try this cheesecake found in
I will guarantee you that once you try this soft, and creamy cheesecake, you will never look back and will crave for more and more….. It’s like an addiction that is hard to kick off. And the next time you sit down at the Secret Recipe (no offense), I can bet you would compare the taste of it! You might ask, do they pay me to promote so strongly for them? Well, hell no I don’t get a single cent, nadah… zip!I just want to share with you my great experience there. Besides, it’s a cool place to hang out as the ambience is suitable to have our daily gossips/group meetings and tea-breaks. It’s sort of like a fusion of Chilli’s and Starbucks environment. Yes, they do serve great western food like their pasta, pizzas and burgers. Oh and for non-cheesecake lover, you are in luck, cos’ they do have other desserts. And the “killer” dessert I would recommend is their heart-melting Mudpies top with ice-cream.
Yummy…however, I must admit that best brownies & mudpies I have tasted so far are actually at the very heart of KL itself. It is non other that our Chilli’s “Molten Chocolate”, “ T.G.I Fridays “Mudpies” and last but not least Outback Steakhouse “Chocolate Thunder From Down Under” (made our of pecan brownie topped with rich vanilla ice-cream and hot homemade chocolate sauce, whipped cream and chocolate shavings.) . Many of you might not hear of the Outback Steakhouse’s dessert… but I could assure you that once you tried it, you will definitely call for 2nd serving!
Of course my love for Chilli’s “Molten Chocolate” cake is always my first choice! I would go to the extend of pretending to be either my birthday/ my friend’s birthday just to get a free cake! (Girls and boys, please do not try this at home…. Hahahaha… ) Who can say no to this? Well, as the saying goes, “we always have a little room for dessert ain’t it?” Well, this statement probably applies to most of the women. Men can do with and without this god-forbidden dessert! They rather indulge in their beers! Let’s just put it this way, women have sweeter tooth than the men. That’s why we are sweeter and nicer. Ha! Oh oh, better stop my “sexist” comment now cos’ I have a bunch of male counterparts who is reading this right at this moment and will probably go on strike!
well, check this picture http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/8116/12345xp1.jpg
where is the red mark, copy the embed text, and put it into your blog.
it`s a little problem, at the back of the link, is 12345xp1.j but the real is 12345xp1.jpg
oooh.. NYDC.. i like going there.. the drinks are HUGE! i guess i should try the cheesecake.. btw, the cheesecake at san francisco steak house,klcc isn't bad :)
NIcole...i didnt notice that their drinks was huge cos i was too busy indulging in their cheesecake...hahaha...you should try it yeah..Hmmmm..i didnt know san francisco serve good cheesecake..will definitely try it next time. Thanks for the tip
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