I was recently introduced to a stand-up comedian cum ventriloquist (you know those people who is able throw out voices on their puppet without moving their lips), Jeff Dunham. The first video i watched was called, "Ahmed the Dead Terrorist". And boy, I was laughing so hard that I almost fell down on the floor. I must have watched it like 10 over times and yet still having tears in my eyes! You guys gotta really click on this and watch it.Bet it will make your day!!. After my bf's cousin and family's member watched this video, they now started greeting each other with "I'll kill you" phrase instead of the normal "hello".
The following video is also my favorite character, called, "Sweet Daddy Dee". He is suppose to be Jeff Dunham's manager. Look at his expression. Bet you be laughing very hard...
The next character is also my favorite. His name is "Peanut". I really like him a lot....Very cool guy. Must watched.
So, guys let's vote on it and let me know which is your favorite joke/ character....
Have great fun watching it...:)) I know i did cos i laughed so much and forgotten all my stress.

LOL i love this guy too. very cool. had me laughing til my tummy hurts LOl
Slowketchupkuan, so you know this guy too b4 i posted this video here? He is my new idol for funny man. HAhaha...HIgh 5 to you!!
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