Last Sunday(9th Sept) me and my friends went up to this restaurant up the hill. I can't really remember what is it call. Probably if my friend Chai (yep, she was the party planner on that day and intro us to this cool place) can jog my memory, i'll update you guys the name of the place. It has a great city view and furthermore it is as cold as Genting! So guys and girls, you dont have to drive up to Genting the next time you want to just get cold air. All i remember is that it was very near to Ampang. The restaurant serves Western food cooked by local chef. No offense but when you put a local chef (unless highly trained/ work in overseas restaurant) to do up Western food...well one would not go "Wow" or "Hmmmmm" about it. Get what i mean? It's cheap for Western food compare to if you were to dine in Chilli's or Outback Steakhouse. But then again, it's quality Vs price issue. Anyway, if you are willing to put away your tastebud, the whole dining experience up the hill is really romantic and breathe-taking. The next time you go, bring your best camera and a tripod to capture the city view. I missed out on that, thus i only capture photos of us having a good time....

It was so windy and had to cover the cake with "home-made" PVC cover. And the birthday girl had to blow the candle from on top. It was a weird scenario....Oh, and the restaurant put a "Happy birthday" cheap kind of song at the background while bringing the cake out. So could you imagine how embarrass we were? If they done something like T.G.I Fridays or Hard Rock, in which they sing it live...then it'll be more fun!

See the wooden clothes hanger clip that they use to clip the plastic cover together? Well, you do have to applaud them for creativity....

The birthday girl busy cutting and "sawing" over the overcooked spring chicken!

This was the food that i order...not so delicious...it was so suppose to be fillet combo (prawns, chicken and fillet)

Our girls group photo with 2 Maggi Chilli sauce and an empty carrot juice...Oh so healthy...hahahah...A girl gotta keep their figure & complexion, right?. Any single guys out there for my single gal friends? This is your opportunity to pick em'!

The guys turn now...well except my friend Chai..Hmmm...why are you there? Hmmm..makes you wonder whether Chinese guys when they turn 30, they will have that "uncle look" ...The one on center is married and is 30++ and the one on the left is very much eligible but is 30. Similarity anyone? So my conclusion is whether you are married/ single, once you turn the BIG 3, that is how you guys will look like!

Oopps...sorry guys...there were 2 more guys on that night..The guy on the far right came well prepared with the weather and the one on the left was wearing the Steven Gerard's jersey..Hope i'm correct cos i;m not much of a football fan although my bf insist me to support Liverpool!

mana tempat tu....?
look interest oo !
i missed my birthday bash!!! can't wait for the incoming wan... hehehe...
btw, where is this place??? looks very interesting...
Beiji and wwh..thanks for dropping by... I'm waiting for my friend chai to let us know the place. Will keep you guys update...i have no idea but i know we passed throught ampang...it was not cheras hill...
Wwh...such a shame that you miss your birth bash...was it last year? So your upcoming one is this year eh...well maybe you can hint to your friends to celeb here.,..
the restoren cal lok out point la dear....
so when u coming back beiji...we stil can visit there...is on a hill in cheras... didnt know the name but quite asy to go....
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