Anyway, yesterday (22 October 2007), it was a very productive day. I went to this Motorshow with my bf at KLCC Convention Centre. To tell you the truth, I'm not motorbike person. I was actually dragged over to see the show. Overall, i would rate it 3 star! My bf was disappointed too cos it was not as BIG as he imagine. Let's just say you can finished seeing everything in 15 minutes! Except those crazy bikers in which i think they are willing to spent hours inside! Not many girls, mostly guys who went there (Duh, as usual!) Maybe i don't understand much about bike just like a guy that will NEVER get our girls obsession over shoes and clothing!
This is the Motorshow 2007 . Luckily i was in time to watch the modeling show at the runway. Let me put this way. The quality of the model was very very bad! They either look too "Cina" / flatface or some really bad at catwalk and some trying to be cool but was NOT! There was one particular women who got the crowd cheering and she won the Ms. Motorshow over our Malaysians model! You guess it right...she was a "Mat salleh"...Scroll down and you know what i mean
This was some of the showcase bike.....
And yet more bikes.....hmmmmm..The only thing i know off is the different color. i wish i could have watch more show on "American Chopper"...Maybe then i would understand about bikes!
She has a petite figure but has very flat bum though....and flat face too...the typical "Chinese" look. You know what i mean?
This is the model who won the Ms. Motorshow title..She got the most cheered and whistle and claps from the crowd..She has a very pretty face and nice figure..but according to my bf, she has "THUNDER THIGHS"....what do you guys think? Sorry guys...the picture quality is really bad (cos' am not very good at using my S200 Nikon camera....(Sad to say i got a good camera but suck at taking such photos....well think i need to take photography 101!!)
Exploitation of women!! Using women dressed in skimpy clothing and posing at motorshow. I wonder why they never used a men? If they used men that has "6 packs", i'm sure they will also attract women crowd, don't you agree?
My friends said the one on the left look like "Amber Chia" (Our Malaysian model)...what do you guys think? The way they posed could turn any guy one...Hahahaha...
This was the close-up shot i took on how they were posing...don't you think it will drive any guys run wild with imagination....GIRLS....BIKE....and not any bike...SUPER BIKE!!!
Another model trying to steal the lime light from the 2 girls!!
She trying to be cute!!

She trying to be sexy!!
Of all the girls...i would say she is the best looking. She didn't try to hard to be sexy....
Phew....boy was it tiring looking at all the "same" bikes...And there goes my afternoon program which was an eye opening to me! Gone with that and comes the night program in which i had done a little belated birthday party for my friend/ex-colleague's (yup yet another birthday party….hahahaha) at this steamboat place, called “Mother” at Bandar Puteri Puchong (Behind Citibank). They serve 2 types of is the herbal soup and the other is the spicy one. I prefered the herbal soup though cos the spicy one was abit on the spicy side but not much taste. It is a buffet style in which it cost around RM21/per person. Price was reasonable for the amount of varieties found there. They have fresh fish,beef and chicken unlike some place in which they only serve fish ball, beef ball which are all made of flour! Oh yeah...i went back to the same cake shop, "MIKI OJISAN" to buy the cake....hehehe...but this round i went to the one in KLCC, Isetan. It's located at the top floor near the supermarket area, next to "Sun Moulin" bakery.

This are the range of other dessert sold in this shop!! The one i recommended is the "Rolls" and also their Chocolate brownies (cost RM5.00/pc)

This are the range of cakes they have....According to the staff, the best selling was the Chocolate Moist Cheesecake, Peanut Butter, Mango and follow by Rasberry.....Doesn't it look yummy...

He/she is the friendly staff who did the packing for me....

This was the packaging box....isn't nice?? And if you flip to the other side, it tells you the story of their cheesecake.....

Tada .....this was the chocolate moist cake i bought for Jimmy's birthday. I thought it was the same chocolate cheesecake i got for Laura's birthday...but turned out Laura's was pure cheesecake with chocolate coating. And this one was sponge cake with chocolate coating with abit of cheese. Anyhow, for those who doesn't like cheesecake, this is a better option cos the chocolate still taste excellent! Jimmy couldn't stop eating it! I would highly recommend buying cakes from this cake shop cos so far they are selling really quality cake compare to a lot of places!

This was the 2 types soup i was referring to earlier. The one on the left is herbal soup (thumbs up!!) but the one on the right was tasteless....All you can taste of is spicy (Thumbs down).

This was the after picture....after the 2 guys had too many of the spicy soup!! See how red their face were...Looks like 2 lobster....

My friend Chai, JImmy (birthday boy) and "T-bone" enjoying the steamboat.....

Trying to eat the chicken sparepart (I think)....Eeewh...definitely not my favorite....

This is the restaurant that I was referring to.....Try it out. I won't say it is the best but price was reasonable. The only thing i didn't like about it was the tables were too near to each other. Not much space to move.....I would give the atmosphere a 5 out of 10. When it gets crowded, it's stuffy and noisy....Decor was olden day chinese and will appeal to those who likes old chinese painting.

Our next stop after the steamboat.....we wanted to sing the birthday song but the steamboat place was definitely not the "it" place.....So we decided to walk behind and found this little cafe....They serve mostly western food and different types of coffee.....

This is the front entrance...It looks kinda cosy and nice from the outside....however, once enter it was shocking! The color wall that they used was yellow....Definitely not very cosy!! I didn't like it at all. I won't return if you ask me....

The most shocking when we ordered the so-called "Brazil Coffee", they serve us the "TESCO" sugar.....The cup of coffee was charged to me at RM6.50!! And all i get is TESCO sugar?? The coffee was so bland like water. I think if we buy "Nescafe" and brew it ourself it's so much cheaper....So thumbs down to this place. Ambience: 3 star, Food & drink: 2 star!! NOt please don't go unless you guys run out of place to hang out!

Anyway, we manage to open ceremony at this restaurant....we asked for a lighter and guess what turns out? The waiter brought "humongous" fire lighter for the "Tiny" candle!!

And finally our group photos.....the one who all celebrated JImmy's birthday...Overall, had a very nice time......