Yeah...have you ever had that "excitement" feeling that you are about to go on holiday and fast-forwarded yourself to that place...dreaming what you are going to do and how you are going to enjoy it? Yep, that's what I'm feeling, right at this moment. It's only like 2 days more to go before I'm off to
My crazy friends trying to bury another “alive”
”Burying competition just got heated up!!! Alright man....
The girls showing off their "killer" legs while relaxing at our resort. Down boys!!
Me and my friend was having our own slumber party, jumping up and down like some pyschotic patient just got loose from "Tanjung Rambutan". I guess we had too much....It's the "overdose" of Whisky and Vodka...Tsk Tsk...
This was the "aftermath" picture after the high adrenaline rush!As for the guys who are having some dirty thoughts...this was no "lesbo" act ok. Look closely, it's just 2 girls who got too exhausted and "passed" out on the bed!
And the ENDING was..........
One happy gal cutting her cake...All eyes on her birthday treat!! Look at her smile and "peace" finger..Hahaha.... Wait.......not all eyes on our birthday gal..The guy behind was too drunk to notice anything! Shame on you.....
Yosh....finally...I managed to make a comment..believe it or not..I really cant find this 'comment box' that time when you asked me to drop you a comment...vain vain...XD...hahaha.. looked so fun in Tioman !!! I was wondering...when is the last time I had a vacation? Three months ago? Arhh..I need a BREAK !!!!
----- Haru ------
Yo Haru
Thanks for dropping me a comment. HAhahaand finally you found the comment button. But i appreciate your "nver giving" up spirit to try to drop me a comment...i thought you would just let it past...HAhahah..Yup it was fun..And i shall post the perhentian pic next. worries, let;s plan on the mt trekking ok? Next month??
I hope that next month I will be able to make a slot from my schedule for that trip you're suggesting !!!
I need NATURE !!!
P/S: Never giving up? Yosh...coz I cant imagine myself not being able to drop a comment in someone's blog !! That's just too STUPID !!! 'unINTERNETibility' is just not in my dictionary !!! XD
------ Haru of the Symphonia ------
wah...going perhentian huh...wah , enjoy ureself with ure 'friends' huh.... wit 'friends' only....
cheap shot!
hallo vampy gal..
wow.. u really had good time kat tioman.. bestnyaaaaaaaaaa..
i nvr been there b4 one day i will..hehe
just me Oly....
Yo Haru...just got back from m perhentian and got really bad sunburnt! wiLL post some photos soon. Well let's just cross our finger that it will not rain and we can go for our mountain trekking expedition in August ya.
Hey oly thanks for dropping in your comment. Trust me if you never been to Tioman, you wont miss a thing! It;s not exactly the dream beach you are hoping for....
Looks like that was a great trip. What to say about this post ? Nice place, nice people, nice photos!!
Wow! Holidays! Looks like fun...
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